On Tuesday March 10, 2020, Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We can expect many changes to the laws in the coming days and weeks that will affect Michigan’s employers and employees. For example, Governor Whitmer signed an executive order expanding eligibility for unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Not only should employers be thinking about new laws, but new application of current laws. Proactively developing or revising policies to reflect new realities will help avoid legal risk. If you have any questions regarding employer obligations or best practices, give us a call so we can help. Our team is doing our part to “social distance,” so although we are not always in the office, we are always available to answer your labor or employment questions. 

Below are links to a few resources that provide some helpful guidance to employers during this time.

Coronavirus Resources from the Department of Labor

Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers

Coronavirus: How Employers Around the Globe Are Responding

State Action on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

U.S. Department Of Labor Announces New Guidance On Unemployment Insurance Flexibilities During Covid-19 Outbreak

Michigan governor expands unemployment benefits amid coronavirus outbreak

Michigan Executive Orders in Response to Coronavirus
